Saturday, July 24, 2010

San Diego Comic-Con 2010 - Day 2

Just going to post pictures post-jump for the most part, since I tired out last night. Some quick highlights - considering I did more general hanging-out today then I did panel hopping. A lot of great cosplays yesterday, should be better today.

  • Yen press panel for the most part wasn't really that exciting - but hey announcements!
  • Got into the Vampire Knight panel - somehow. I thought I entered the wrong room and got into a panel for Twlight. Ethan Murray (Kaname) was pretty quiet for most of the panel, Vic Mignogna (Zero) pretty much was himself - interesting voice and all, and Mela Lee (Yuki) probably blushed for half the panel (which was quite amusing). English Anime Voice Actors tend to have some interesting stories... Oh, and I had thought Yuki was voiced by Luci Christan - whoops.
  •  Speaking of voice actors - I hung out with one toward the end of the night. Unfortunately, I woke up and had completely forgotten his name - but somehow remembered he does wear kilts. Fail, I know. But we hung out with a guy I know from the Anime Conji staff and seriously - English Anime Voice Actors tend to have some INTERESTING stories...
Slightly off.... a tad.

Quite a big squad of Spartans and ODSTs here.

Many Vocaloids!

This Bounty Hunter does not know what to make of this...

Cosplayer of the Day

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